Freedom Movement of India

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Gandhi Revealed

Click here for the six-part article series revealing documented facts re Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and the Freedom Movement of India.

Gandhi-Muslim Conspiracy A 1941 publication.

Swami Shraddhananda’s article: The Neo Maulana

This is the article that Swami Shraddhananda wrote mentioning Gandhi’s draft of a telegram to the King of Afghanistan.

Hindu Mahasabha

Newspaper articles: Prominence of  Hindu Mahasabha

History of the Hindu Mahasabha

Hyderabad Civil Disobedience Movement, 1938-39, by S. R. Date

Akhand Hindustan 1944 Delhi Conference

History of the Bhagalpur Struggle

  • The 23rd annual session of the Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha was scheduled to be held under Savarkar’s Presidentship December 24, 1941, at Bhagalpur in Bihar. Defying the unjust prohibitory orders of the Bihar Provincial Government, workers of the Hindu Mahasabha managed to hold the session from December 24 to 27, 1941. Read the history of the Bhagalpur struggle, the account of which was written at the instance of Savarkar.

Transfer of Power

Freedom Movement Unveiled:        Part I          Part II

Jawarharlal Nehru’s crucial 1946 Press Conference

Noakhali       Partition

Links to some important source documents on Transfer of Power:          II

Books:     The Bank and the Partition      Excerpts from Blood and the Tears

Non-cooperation Movement, 1921

‘non’violent Gandhi, Article 1                Noncooperation Movement Hocus-Pocus , Article 2

Gandhi’s Correspondence with the Viceroy (April 29, 1918)

Swami Shraddhananda’s Inside Congress, Twenty-six articles he wrote exposing the Congress.

Moplah Riots

Cellular Jail

My Transportation for Life, by V. D. Savarkar                 Savarkar’s Jail Ticket

British Secret Files on Savarkar, 1911-21

Architecture of the Cellular Jail, by Anurupa Cinar

Twelve Years of Prison Life, by Ullaskar Dutt

The Tale of my Exile, by Barin Kumar Ghosh

Ramcharanlal on Cellular Jail   (Hindi)

Savarkar’s letters from Andaman

The Andaman Islands

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